Advanced TCP Client v2.2

This advanced TCP client is written in SIMPL+ and allows for better management of TCP/IP connections, including address assignment at runtime.


An advanced TCP client written in SIMPL+. It helps to manage TCP/IP connections in a more reliable way (connect, send data, disconnect)
This module lets you input an IP address and port at runtime, which gives a lot of flexibility for testing and deploying the same code base across multiple systems. (IP address could be populated through something like a site specific configuration file for example)

debug – enable trace message output.

connect – pulse to force connection to specified address and port
(note: in order to reconnect, a full disconnect must be enforced
first before the socket will reconnect, or you can pulse the
reconnect signal to simplify this.)

disconnect – pulse to disconnect the socket from remote host/server.

reconnect – pulse to disconnect then connect after a short delay.

enable_persistent_connect – allows the tcp client to reconnect if the connection is
broken remotely. (note: if broken through locally (through programming)
the client will not attempt to automatically reconnect.)

enable_response_timeout_disconnect – flag to determine client should disconnect
if the [response_timeout] expires after data has been sent
and no response from the host/server has been received then the client will
automatically disconnect. (note: this might be good for determining whether
a reconnect is necessary in order to re-establish a good connection with the
device. programming that utilizes the [connected_fb] state to drive some
post-connection logic that ensures the program is in a good state after a
successful connection will benefit from this, without the need to spam reconnect
on disconnect which causes unnecessary network traffic more often than not.)

enable_reconnect_on_response_timeout – flag to simplify the reconnect process after a response
timeout disconnect so that the user only has to worry about the successful
post-connect logic, by using the [response_timeout_pulse] feedback pulse.

port – port that the client will connect to using the specified address.

address$ – address that the client will connect to.

connected_fb – high if client is connected to the remote host/server.

data_sent_pulse – pulsed when data has been sent to the remote host/server.

response_timeout_pulse – pulsed when the response timeout has expired, only if the response
timeout disconnect has been enabled.

status_fb – one of the following analog values depending on the socket status:



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